Preserving a Legacy
Oconee Hill Cemetery is a beautiful setting and a vital part of Athens and UGA history that we can preserve and protect as we honor the University’s football lettermen. Some former lettermen are already interred at Oconee Hill, and by choosing Bulldog Haven, you can celebrate and add to their legacy.
Notable figures laid to rest in Oconee Hill Cemetery include Wally Butts, Coach Bill Hartman and numerous University Chancellors along with a variety of other leaders of national and regional stature.
Bulldog Haven is a non-profit venture that will support the maintenance and restoration of historic Oconee Hill Cemetery. In addition to the noteworthy University of Georgia personalities interred there, Oconee Hill Cemetery is also the resting place of many important figures in Georgia’s history.
We also hope funds will allow us to provide assistance to some indigent lettermen and provide them with a dignified and celebrated resting place.